In what ways does 'Alt-J - Breezeblocks' use narrative devices and structure to construct meaning?
What makes this music videos' narrative structure quite unconventional from most is that the whole story is in reverse. This narrative device helps entice the viewer to keep watching until the end so they can make sense of a story. This music video (in chronological order of events) tells a story of how a man gets back home to find his wife tied up and silenced with duct-tape in a wardrobe. Another women then shows herself from behind and begins to attack him. This angry women presumably tied up the mans wife, and potentially had a relationship with him. They begin to have a violent fight, up until the end in which the man kills her with a breeze-block and she falls into a bath-tub.
Breezeblocks has a reversed linear narrative. Linear narratives will go in a straight line- or normally in chronological order. They are commonly easy to follow and understand when compared to non-linear. This makes
Here is a version someone created by reversing the original music video so that the story is told in chronological order of events:
Philosopher and literary critic, Tzvetan Todorov suggested that conventional narratives are structured in five stages:
1. a state of equilibrium (stability) at the start
2. a disruption of the equilibrium by some action
3. a recognition that there has been a disruption
4. an attempt to repair the disruption
5. a reinstatement of the equilibrium

This theory can be applied to Breezeblocks:
1. Women lying in the bath with a breeze-block weighing her down. (Equilibrium)
2. A man hits this women with a breeze-block. (An action that disrupts equilibrium)
3. Violent argument/fight scene between man and women. (Recognition there has been a disruption)
4. Man tries to help his wife who is tied up. (Attempt to repair disruption)
5. Man walks into his home. (Reinstatement/new equilibrium)
This narrative creates different levels of energy which corresponds with the song. For example at the start the bridge, the music becomes slow and most of the instruments drop out. At this point in the video it shows a close-up of a frighted women. This could have been used to heighten anticipation to the viewer.
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